Monday, March 17, 2008

Excited and a Little Apprehensive

Today was our first day back to school for a while. I've decided to add Katie into the mix, which adds another dimension to our homeschool. Even though I still think unschooling has it's advantages, I've decided to hit the books instead. Because of my being bipolar, I don't think unschooling is a good fit for my kids. I need more of a schedule to follow. Also Ken is not in agreement to that style of homeschool.

I wanted to keep it as simple as I could. We have Bible in the morning after breakfast but since there's a large age difference, Nathan reads to himself while I read Katie her Bible story. Then Katie colors her picture while Nathan and I work on his assignment. Then I work on phonics with Katie through Explode the Code or my own made up games while Nate works in his Easy Grammar book.

At this point, I send Nathan to his room to work on math and handwriting since the directions are pretty self-explanatory. I then work with Katie in Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons. I wouldn't say she loves this book because she's ready to be done at the end of each lesson, but she's doing well so far. When both kids are done with their work, they have snack while I read aloud. You'd be amazed at how long it's taking us to finish Narnia's A Horse and His Boy. Let's just say that I'm ashamed at myself. Oh well. Nathan is remembering the characters quite well. A little better than I am. After our read-aloud, Nathan reads a few chapters in his own book while Katie plays on the computer. Finally, Katie naps while Nathan and I work on spelling and science or history.

Right now, school looks pretty boring to me. I would prefer that there be a lot of creativity in our day. I'm hoping that I will be able to master our schedule first before adding in too many extras. Fridays are our days to break away from the norm since the kids have co-op on that day and we take the rest of the day off. I'm hoping to add in plenty of games, outside play, crafts, and such.

We had a very successful day today. This includes Nathan complaining of an earache for 1.5 hours and my finding him a new primary care physician and scheduling him an appointment to see the Dr. tomorrow. At this point he tells me he's fine and decides to finish the school day so he can go play outside. Aaaahhhh! I haven't cancelled the appointment because I believe his ear really was hurting him. I think it may be a popped eardrum (again) because he said it hurts when he burps. One of his ears never seemed to heal correctly since he had tubes put in his ears as a toddler, although that is a wonderful surgery for any child with chronic ear infections. Nate also decided to be defiant right around lunch time and decided that he would NOT be making any vegetables with lunch. That was a quick way to lose his lunch privilege and be sent to his room. Even with those thrown into the mix, our day was productive and I feel good about our accomplishments.

Oh, by the way, Katie decided that it was okay to play outside in the snow without her coat on because, "It's not cold Mommy!" Oh, my crazy girl! Yes, I did bring her in and bundle her up.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I would say keep it "boring" for a while, so you and the kids can just get used to a good schedule. Once you (all three of you, well, and Ken too) have that down - then feel free to include one thing at a time, a little more creativity, and see how things go. If you push it too hard, it's much easier to get overwhelmed and things can quickly fall apart. Go ahead....ask me how I know? ha!

Good to see you back blogging - it's a great form of accountability for me, just to be able to post about how things are going around here.

Hey, I got an idea.....I'll call you or email you.
Luv, Lori