Thursday, March 20, 2008

Easter Bunnies and Plastic Eggs

We like the Easter Bunny here. The children hunt for eggs every Easter. These plastic eggs are usually filled will candy, gifts, and money. Even though we never pushed the Easter Bunny as an oversized bunny who visits our home and leaves baskets full of goodies, my children still find him to be a fun character and don't mind getting their picture taken with him.

We also celebrate the real meaning of Easter. We read about the days that led up to Jesus' death, burial, and Resurrection. Our children learn about why Jesus suffered the way he did. They know that Jesus thought about them specifically as he faced the cross. It was personal. Christ didn't die for just anybody. He died for each person specifically and personally. He knew the sins that he was dying for.

We enjoy the early morning church service on Easter Sunday. Next, we spend time with family as the kids search for eggs and we finish the day with dinner. This is similar to the way I was raised. I never thought the Easter bunny died for my sins or that Jesus was just a cartoon character. I could always tell the difference between what was real and what was "just for fun." If I ever feel that my children are choosing bunnies or Jesus, we will abruptly change our focus. It's about reading the child's heart.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We don't do the bunny around here, but you are right, you simply have to be their PARENTS, read your kid, figure out what they are learning, interalizing, etc.

Today, when we talked back through the day, I asked the kids if they liked our family easter basket. Of course, they said they loved it. I asked them, on Easter, who gave us the biggest gift of all ( know, JESUS, dying on the cross, taking our sins, our consequences). Ya. Selah said "Mema & Papa!!!". dear.

But that doesn't mean we won't *do* grandparents anymore. We just have to make sure we continue to explain, to describe, to remember what God has done for us.

My sweet Selah.....*grins*