Monday, March 24, 2008

Homeschooling Is NOT Our Savior

...Thankfully! Let's face it, homeschoolers can be a bit self-righteous. Due to our homeschooling efforts (which can take up the majority of our time and thoughts), our youngsters will grow up to be great men and women of God. Well, we can all hope for that. This is not always the case. Fortunately, children are unique creations of God and not little robots for us to program. Our children will disappoint us. They will embarrass us. They may even turn away from our teaching.

As homeschoolers, we want to yell out, "but I homeschooled my kids! This isn't supposed to happen! This only happens to those public school kids. Not mine!"
Homeschooling does not protect our children from all evil tendencies. Sin lives in the hearts of all boys and girls.

I've been having a rough homeschooling day today. Both of my "little angles" have been driving me bonkers today. Katie was having 2 year old temper tantrums over everything, and Nathan found it necessary to argue with me over everything. By noon, I was ready to rip my hair out. It would be so much easier to just ship these wild children of mine off to public school so I could have some moments of peace.

I know in my heart that even though homeschooling does not save me or my children, the time I get to spend with them is precious. Our moments of playing, disciplining, and learning are important. I wouldn't do them if I didn't find them Godly and of value. We need to be reminded that children from all schooling backgrounds struggle. Our holier than thou attitude sometimes needs to be checked. Let's just continue in humble prayer for our children, their education, and their salvation.

1 comment:

Dad said...

Proverbs 22:6
Train a child in the way he should go and when he gets old he shall not turn from it...

The above are words of wisdom from our God. When we put them into practice you shall be blessed!

Love you angel,
