Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Totally Overwhelmed

My home has me completely overwhelmed. I wish I could say that I am just taking it one task at a time and all is well, but it's not that simple. There are the day to day tasks that seem to fill up my day and the extras seem very difficult to get to. If I do start organizing, I feel like I don't quite know where to start and I always want to move into different areas than where I started. I'm ready to go get a dumpster to haul half of the stuff I have in this house out of here.

What I did accomplish today was making a grocery list. Yes, silly as it may sound, it was an accomplishment for me. We need to go grocery shopping so I took some recipes from my sister's and made a meal plan for the next two weeks. Then I wrote out the list. That took me about 2 hours to accomplish. Now I'm praying that it isn't that expensive at the grocery store. Otherwise my hubby will NOT be happy with this. I'll have to explain to him that we are not going out to eat anymore and are saving money that way, but I still need to be as frugal as possible while at the store.

So there you have it. I'm completely overwhelmed. There are still boxes of Katie's stuff in my room that I moved in order to organize her room two weeks ago. I still haven't cleaned under her bed. Her room is still a mess and I'm so overwhelmed, I've been avoiding it for a while now. Any advice would be helpful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Whenever I have a task that I have been avoiding, I pick an amount of time that I think I can handle, either 1/2 or 1 hr. at the most. Then I set the timer, and I race the clock to get as much as possible done. I usually end up running around and getting sweaty, but it is amazing how much you can get done when you *race the clock*. One key is to not let yourself linger over any one thing. Make quick decisions like, keep in this room, relocate to another room, or get it out of the house.
If Katie's room is overwhelming you, then she must have way too much stuff in it. She is old enough to put things back where they belong when she is done with them. Make this a hard and fast rule. Reward her when she does it well, and take away a priviledge, when she doesn't.
I allow myself a 10 or 15" break if I need it, and then it is right back to work untill my alotted time is up.
When the room is finished, check it often to make sure everything gets put back again. If you slough it off, it will be back to the same mess it was in a very short period of time.
It may help you to set the timer for Katie when it is time for her to pick up, but I wouldn't try that with Nathan, I did and he freaked out at the pressure.
I hope this helps you.
