Sunday, November 9, 2008

Christmas Buzz

I am so excited about Christmas this year. Christmas has always been my favorite holiday. My family can look back on the days when I would have a count down written out. There's just something about Christmas that warms your heart during the cold season.

Unfortunately, Christmas was not a good holiday last year. I was very sick with my Bipolar and I couldn't find the joy. I went through the motions for the kids, but barely. Ken did all of the shopping for gifts, there were no Christmas cookies, I didn't even finish decorating the tree until the night before Christmas. I didn't know at the time what was wrong with me. I just knew that something was different in me.

I am so happy that the Lord has restored me. He has forgiven me for my sins and given me another chance to provide a beautiful and meaningful Christmas for my family. Right now I'm planning the Advent season. I'm also part of a cookie exchange so I need to start thinking about what kind of cookies I want to bake. I'm planning gifts (cheap gifts for the kids this year) and stocking stuffers. I'm even looking on Napster for some good Christmas music to play while decorating the tree.

Thank you Lord Jesus for Your mercy and grace that you have bestowed upon me. Thank you for second chances.


Dad said...


Keep it up. One day at a time. Praise the Lord for his mercy and yes he does love you for who you are. Trust in him.


Emily said...

Just popping in to say a quick hello! My computer time has been cut down drastically so I hardly ever have time to post comments. Hope all is well!
Blessings, Emily

Anonymous said...

Hey--Shari, this is Dean's mom. I read your blog from time to time and pray for you & family always. Some cookies that might work for an exchange are snickerdoodles or chocolate no bakes. Both are quite easy (not sooo time consuming) and makes a bunch in a relativly(sp?) short time. Glad things are better and praying to stay that way. Marlene