Thursday, November 6, 2008

Books I'm reading

Chipped dishes, zippers & prayer: Meditations for women by Ruth Gibson

The Borderline Personality Disorder Survival Guide by Alex Chapman and Kim Gratz

Strengthening Your Marriage by Wayne A. Mack

Things That Go Bump in the Night: How to Help Children Resolve Their Natural Fears by Paul Warren and Frank Minirth

Although I can hardly get past 3 pages of reading at a time, I found all of these books to have great meaning in my life right now. The first book is a time for short meditation with the Lord. This is something that all women need. The book on Borderline Personality Disorder was purchased to see how well I fit the symptoms. I am constantly being diagnosed BPD or told that I have characteristics or BPD. Now I can understand what the doctors are talking about.

Ken and I are doing the Marriage book together, although we each have our own copy. This is because of all the difficulties we've faced together over the past year. Finally, the book on fears is for Nathan. I want to help him get over some of his fears. So that's what I'm reading right now.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dean & I are starting on The Love Dare book next week with two other couples for accountability and support. I'm excited about it, yet a bit anxious as well - with four, going on five, children, life really can tend to get "all about the kids" and we get left behind as a couple. Hopefully, this will help us become even stronger!!

I've not heard of the Meditations for Women one - let me know how it is. I'm always on the lookout for a good, fairly quick daily devotion book. It has to be fairly quick to be realistic for me - yet I don't want just "fluff" ya know?!

Luv ya,