Sunday, November 9, 2008

Christmas Buzz

I am so excited about Christmas this year. Christmas has always been my favorite holiday. My family can look back on the days when I would have a count down written out. There's just something about Christmas that warms your heart during the cold season.

Unfortunately, Christmas was not a good holiday last year. I was very sick with my Bipolar and I couldn't find the joy. I went through the motions for the kids, but barely. Ken did all of the shopping for gifts, there were no Christmas cookies, I didn't even finish decorating the tree until the night before Christmas. I didn't know at the time what was wrong with me. I just knew that something was different in me.

I am so happy that the Lord has restored me. He has forgiven me for my sins and given me another chance to provide a beautiful and meaningful Christmas for my family. Right now I'm planning the Advent season. I'm also part of a cookie exchange so I need to start thinking about what kind of cookies I want to bake. I'm planning gifts (cheap gifts for the kids this year) and stocking stuffers. I'm even looking on Napster for some good Christmas music to play while decorating the tree.

Thank you Lord Jesus for Your mercy and grace that you have bestowed upon me. Thank you for second chances.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Back in the swing of things

Could it be...Maybe it's possible...My life may be resuming to normal. Now I realize that I am saying this after one good day. I should probably wait until I have a few more days under my belt, but this day has and continues to be a success. I don't expect all days to be as good as this one but if we can find the magic potion that made this one good, maybe I can continue in my bliss.

Today I woke up at 7am. Since I've been out of it until close to noon all other days, this was a shocker. To top it off, I was wide awake and feeling drug free. I was able to make breakfast and have a conversation with Nathan before he headed to the bus stop. Soon Ken left and it was just Kate and I. I then decided to pull out the school books that we had been using before I got sick. I looked and looked for them and finally found them in an area where I never keep books.

We started on the letter B today. First we did lesson 8 out of Teach Your Child To Read in 100 Easy Lessons. First of all, Katie abhors this book and I can barely stand it myself. I'm using it because it's what we have and I know it will eventually work. I'm trying to supplement here and there with other ideas since she really doesn't like it. I think the reason for that is that she may not be ready for it yet.

Next, we read a Bearenstein Bears book about "Too Much Vacation." Then it was time for our Bible reading about Noah and the arc. We did a finger play about the animals (all beginning with B of course) getting on the arc and the sounds they make. It's a really cute finger play and Katie always enjoys these.

It was time to move to the table for our table work. I drew a bubble letter B. Katie then painted it with glue and used cinnamon to fill it in. It looks great and smells even better. Since we're working on the number 2 as well, I traced Katie's hands and she colored them in in all sorts of colors. Next we worked out of our Mead Handwriting book. Katie made a row of L's. Then onto Get Ready for the Code. Katie had to practice her T's in this book. Thankfully she knows all of her letters or it could get really confusing working on so many letters in a day.

That was it for the school day. That is a pretty typical day. Then it was time to organize clothes. This always seems to be the biggest job for me. I have to go through all of the children's old clothes and decided what they have outgrown. This goes in the charity pile. If they can wear it another year, it stays. Then I have to organize what they have for the fall. I receive so many clothes for Katie from her Aunt that we rarely have to buy anything for her. This year, Grandma and Grandpa really helped us out with dressing Nathan. So this job is finally done.

This has been my day so far. I'm not sure if you cared to hear all of that, but I'm glad that I'm doing so much better.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Books I'm reading

Chipped dishes, zippers & prayer: Meditations for women by Ruth Gibson

The Borderline Personality Disorder Survival Guide by Alex Chapman and Kim Gratz

Strengthening Your Marriage by Wayne A. Mack

Things That Go Bump in the Night: How to Help Children Resolve Their Natural Fears by Paul Warren and Frank Minirth

Although I can hardly get past 3 pages of reading at a time, I found all of these books to have great meaning in my life right now. The first book is a time for short meditation with the Lord. This is something that all women need. The book on Borderline Personality Disorder was purchased to see how well I fit the symptoms. I am constantly being diagnosed BPD or told that I have characteristics or BPD. Now I can understand what the doctors are talking about.

Ken and I are doing the Marriage book together, although we each have our own copy. This is because of all the difficulties we've faced together over the past year. Finally, the book on fears is for Nathan. I want to help him get over some of his fears. So that's what I'm reading right now.

Monday, November 3, 2008

change of heart

Yes, of course it's been a long time since I blogged. I've been in and out (mostly in) of the hospital for the past few months. Without going into all of the gory details, Nathan ended up in public school. It wasn't my choice. I am dealing with a lot of grief over the decision, but have been having a change of heart. God put Nathan in public school for a reason. I know this for sure because no one wanted Nathan in public school. He's doing great. He already had three friends in his class before meeting the other children. He is in either the average or high level classes. Yet I still grieve the decision and see it as a failure of mine. I know, I know. I shouldn't view it as such but I do.

I still plan to homeschool Katie this year. We haven't started back up yet because I'm still trying to get my life back in order and get stabilized on my meds. I am looking forward to doing Little Hearts to Heaven by Heart of Dakota with her. It's a fun program. We did one week before being hospitalized and we had a blast.