Friday, June 20, 2008

We're Almost Ready

Over the past few months, I've been getting our curriculum ready for the coming school year. I knew I needed something that was Christian-based, inexpensive, well planned out, and fairly simple on my part. I also wanted something that would push Nathan out of his comfort zone. He is used to a more relaxed style of homeschooling, but now that he's getting older I want him to do more writing and independent work. Here is what I have for him this year:

Rod and Staff:
Reading 5 "A Time to Plant"
English 5 "Following the Plan"
Science 5 "God's Wonderful World"
Spelling 5 "Spelling by Sound and Structure"
Bible 5 "God Chooses a Family"
History/Geography 4 "Homelands Around the World"
Music 5 "Growing in Music"
Art 5 Artpac
Math U See for Math (Delta and Epsilon)
A Reason For Handwriting Level D

This year I'll be adding Katie into the mix. She will only be doing preschool work, but I wanted something that would be Christ-centered, fun for her, little preparation time for me, and at her level. I found something that I think will be just great for her. This is what we are using this year for Katie:

Little Hearts to Heaven by Heart of Dakota~LOVE IT!
This includes A child's First Bible, My ABC Bible Verses, and The Singing Bible CD.
I'll also use the set of 4 preschool activity books through Rod and Staff.

So take some time and check out the links. All of the links have samples of the work the kids will be doing throughout the year. I plan on keeping a weekly journal of our homeschooling for this coming year. Hopefully I can keep on top of it. Although I'm excited to start using our new stuff, we still have a busy summer ahead of us.

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