Thursday, April 10, 2008


It looks like we have a tentative date for Nathan's baptism. May 17th or 18th should be the day. Certain family members have been getting on my case to get this thing going. I'm having email conversations with the man in charge of baptisms at our church and Nate will have to attend a baptism session and share his testimony. I know he'll be nervous about this, but I'll help him through this. I know I was horribly nervous to share when I was baptized.

I love to watch my children grow in Christ. I can really see Nathan learning more and more about God, His character, the Bible, and how our lives are affected by it all. He is still young and immature in many ways, but I hope that he is gaining a strong foundation in the Lord. I also love to see Katie growing in Jesus. She missed quite a lot of AWANA this year due to my being ill and some bad weather/illness, but she is finally caught up in her book. Both of the children will receive awards for finishing their books this year. I'm surprised to see the growth in her abilities to memorize verses over this past year. In the beginning of the year, she could barely memorize one verse. Now she is easily memorizing 3 verses and actually remembering them.

The beauty of raising children in the Lord is seeing the fruit that develops. Our main goal with our children is to bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord and pray for their souls. Nathan accepted Christ at 4 years old. I know I will see him in heaven one day. Right now I am teaching Katie about Jesus and His gift to us. I want her to always know what a wonderful gift He provided for us so when she is ready, she too will say the prayer of salvation.

1 comment:

Dad said...

Praise the Lord. We'll be there.

Love you all.
